Many SEO professionals have discussed this topic and, not surprisingly, the answer is not straightforward.
Key to domain name selection is finding a domain name that is memorable and best supports your branding / marketing strategy.
Although a domain name won't have a direct impact on SEO (there are many factors to consider), some SEO folks believe an exact match domain (exact match to a target keyword) is beneficial, although Google has mentioned many times that exact match domains are not any better than a 'non-exact match' domain, and in fact could be considered spammy and thus a signal to devalue depending on overall site (content and experience) quality.
As far back as 2011, Google engineer Matt Cutts posted a video noted that Exact Match Domains (EMD) would not have much benefit over better quality websites, and in-fact announced a Google penalty on low-value EMD in 2012.
See additional information here.