Benefits of a Professional Email Address

Are you using a free email address such as @gmail or @hotmail for your professional or business email? If so, you should consider the benefits of setting up an email address that is associated with your domain name. 

Branding: Your email address provides an opportunity to promote your business and your brand everytime you communicate with a prospect or a client. Your email address should contain your name and your business name, i.e. This email address structure instantly communicates who you are and allows those who may not know you to do a quick search on your business by going to Having an email address that matches your domain name provides instant credibility and indicates that you have a real business, not just a hobby. 
Professional: People generally associate gmail, hotmail, yahoo, etc with personal email accounts, not businesses. This is probably not the image you want to portray. Business email addresses elicit credibility and trustworthiness. This can be critically important given the abundance of online scams that often use these free email addresses. 
Memorable: Professional emails are generally easier to remember, especially if your domain name is descriptive. This can be very useful if someone is searching their contacts trying to find you. 
Portable: In some professions, it’s useful to have an email address that is yours and that you can keep in the event that you move to a different company. E.g., real estate agents depend on word of mouth for new business. If a potential client can’t easily reach you, it’s unlikely that you’ll get their business. 
Security and Privacy: Professional emails are less likely to be identified as suspicious by a spam filter. This will result in more emails being seen and read as intended. We always recommend SSL certificates for your website so that information is encrypted. This will also protect your email.
Email Groups: It is often convenient to have generic email addresses such as info@, billing@, or support@ that are used for specific purposes and may be sent to a group of people. This is generally not possible with the free email, but is easy to set up and manage with professional email solutions. This can be especially valuable if you’re a small business that wants to look a bit larger.
Productivity and Room to Grow: Many email solutions also offer productivity suites that include apps for creating and collaborating on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in addition to shared storage. You can add and delete email addresses as needed and easily increase the amount of storage you have access to as your company grows. 
Have more questions about email or domain names?

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More articles on email domains:

How to choose a domain name for email

Benefits of using a .com domain for email